Tarryn is the training, technical and quality control partner of Moore in Durban and a member of the National Technical and Training Committees. Tarryn qualified as a Chartered Accountant (SA) in 2004 after serving articles at PKF in Durban, having completed her degree and Honours degree at the University of South Africa. She was appointed a partner in 2009. She has extensive experience in business valuations, for both commercial use and litigation support. She acts as expert witness or receiver on both divorce and commercial matters. Tarryn has a keen interest in training and is responsible for writing and tailoring the material used in the core audit and ethics training on TAG, as well as the presentation thereof. She also writes and presents training at a partner and manager level for the Moore African and European regions. Tarryn is the subject matter expert on ethics for Moore Global. In 2021, Tarryn was appointed to the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants Ethics Committee.