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Business Travel and Tax Compliance - Be Part of Our Global Study

Have you ever considered the individual and corporate tax risks of your increasingly mobile and global work force? If you or your employees travel internationally for work, those trips may have tax implications, presenting compliance risks that need to be actively managed. In other words, their presence in another country can create a tax reporting requirement.

Global Tax Network, a member of Moore North America, in conjunction with AIRINC, a global relocation company, and Fragomen, and immigration specialist firm, have teamed up to conduct the 2019 International Business Traveller Benchmark Study. This global study aims to gather valuable insight into: who is managing international business travel; how companies are ensuring compliance; and how they’re tracking their mobile workforce.

We’re interested in your perspective. Participants will receive a copy of the final study report, available in December.

Written by David Livitt, Director/National Practice Leader, Business Traveler Services, Global Tax Network, a member of Moore North America.