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Changes to SARS Tax Clearance Certificates

Currently, taxpayers who wish to provide evidence of their tax compliance status can obtain a printed Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC) from the South African Revenue Service (SARS).
However, from 25 October 2019, these will no longer be available, as SARS implements an enhanced Tax Compliance Status System.
All TCCs currently in use will no longer be valid.
The ability to print a TCC will stop, and TCS PIN taxpayers will be required to use the TCS PIN to share their tax compliance status with third parties electronically.
The TCS PIN allows taxpayers to authorise third parties to view the taxpayer's tax compliance status online via eFiling, by providing them with a PIN. This will provide the third party with the taxpayer's overall tax compliance status when viewed, and not when the TCS PIN was issued to the taxpayer. No other information will be made available to the third party through this process in order to protect taxpayer information confidentiality.

For more information, contact your local Moore firm.