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Business structures

There are different types of trading vehicles that can be used to meet the unique challenges that healthcare presents. It is critical that you understand the business risks and pitfalls, so that you can select the optimum solution.
Our services include:
  • business start-up
  • choice of best structure: incorporation vs sole trader or partnership
  • practice mergers, purchase and sale
  • partnership agreements
Business outsourcing

For your business to flourish, you need high quality, reliable information so that you can make the optimum strategic decisions. With our focus firmly on what our clients require, we help you comply with statutory regulations and produce meaningful management information reports, including:
  • preparation of year-end accounts for partnerships, sole traders, limited liability partnerships and limited companies
  • preparation of management accounts, including key performance indicators, cashflows and budget comparisons
  • bookkeeping
  • calculation of profit allocations
  • preparation of expense claims
  • advice and support for raising finance and loan applications
  • all aspect of payroll, as well as advice on PAYE 

The biggest asset in many healthcare businesses is the operational property. It is important that not only is it being utilised in the most advantageous way, but also that its ownership has been correctly defined and structured. We can also help maximise the use of capital allowances.

Personal financial planning

The personal financial planning environment has never been so challenging, with low interest rates, high tax levels and reducing reliefs. Effective wealth management ensures you are optimising all of the financial and tax options available to you, securing your own and your family's future. For more information on our services, please visit our Wealth management pages.

Restructuring & insolvency

We understand that there are times when your business experiences challenges, often for reasons outside of your control. We understand that as a healthcare provider, your business is not only important to you but also to the community that it serves. When healthcare businesses face financial difficulties, regulators and other stakeholders will take a keen interest in the financial health of the business. This can increase the burden on management at an already challenging time.

Our dedicated Healthcare team is experienced in dealing with healthcare businesses in financial difficulties and helping them navigate the financial difficulties, as well as addressing the concerns of stakeholders.
Our services include:
  • independent business reviews and viability reviews
  • strategic performance review
  • lender/creditor negotiations
  • stabilisation and crisis management
  • debt restructuring
  • turnaround advice
  • refinance
  • accelerated M&A
  • insolvency advice

Working closely with our accounting staff, our tax teams ensure the efficient and timely completion of tax returns.
Our services include:
  • preparation of partnership and individual partner’s self-assessment tax
  • returns and corporation tax returns
  • deferment of national insurance claims
  • capital gains, retirement planning, inheritance tax and wills
  • partnership changes
  • support and guidance on local revenue enquiries

We advise on the various aspects of dealing with VAT, whether you are considering registering or needing assistance with the recovery of VAT.